Personal Interesting Financial Advisory BusinessOn an average workday, I receive at least two media requests from sources ranging from U.S. News & World Report to the Zing! blog. However, I ignore most requests because many are just plain silly - “We are looking for an investment professional who can explain why the market was down by 7 points at 9 am this morning.” (No investment professional should answer such nonsensical questions.)
I often receive my favorite requests when the stock market has a big down day - “How many of your clients are calling, and what are they most concerned about?” I would love to answer these requests sarcastically: “The only folks contacting me are reporters. My clients are wise enough to know that one down day is just noise.” I’ve yet to send one of these notes.
About twice a week, I come across something of interest. For these topics, I’ll email a few “words of wisdom” (a stretch, maybe) and offer my assistance. Sometimes these emails result in a phone interview where the reporter and I dig deeper into the topic. There are other times where the reporter just cuts and pastes my comments right into their article without ever speaking to me. And, many times my thoughts do not fit the point of the article and (I’m guessing) end up in a deleted folder.
Here are some of the more recent articles in which I was quoted:
Will raising the age for required withdrawals from your retirement accounts make a difference? (June 2019)
Sarah O'Brien, CNBC
The Complete Guide to ETFs (May 2019)
Sean Dennison, GoBankingRates.com
Americans’ favorite credit card feature is 3% cash back on all purchases (May 2019)
Barri Segal, creditcards.com
How to Use an Employer Stock Plan (Apr 2019)
Kayleigh Kulp, U.S. News and World Report
Annuities Sales Set To Soar 35% Over Next Five Years, LIMRA Says (Apr 2019)
Tracey Longo, Financial Advisor Magazine
New Proposed Stretch IRA Rules Will Have A Big Effect on IRAs (Apr 2019)
Leon LaBrecque, Forbes
Funds That Slash Your Taxes (Mar 2019)
Bottom Line Personal
Has New Tax Law Twisted Business Owners Best Interests When It Comes to Retirement Savings Plans? (Mar 2019)
Christopher Carosa, FiduciaryNews.com
Digital calendars can be an adviser's best tech tool (Feb 2019)
Ryan W. Neal, InvestmentNews
Budgeting in Retirement: The First 5 Years (Jan 2019)
Jackie Lam, Zing! Blog (Quicken Loans)
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