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It’s hard to miss the financial press’ recent headlines about the inverted yield curve, which (we are told) inevitably signals our next recession. Given the financial media’s history of blowing things out of proportion, I went to the original source of this indicator to discover what his research is really telling us.

Investing Retirement Planning
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I’ve been fortunate to have built a good relationship with the media over the years. I receive anywhere from three to ten “media requests” each week from a wide variety of sources. When I do come across something of interest, I’ll email a few comments and offer my assistance; this frequently results in a short conversation with the reporter and a brief quote.

Personal Interesting Retirement Planning
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Better Balance

Once you have done the hard work to determine a mix of holdings that's best for you, there is still plenty of work to be done. MILE Wealth uses smart rebalancing strategies and finely tuned software to keep client portfolios in check.

Investing Retirement Planning